Terms & definitions

SEOquake terms

  • SEObar - the bar that appears for each individual landing page. This will provide parameters for whatever page you are currently analyzing.
  • SERP Overlay - tools that appear on Search Engine pages (including bar near each result, sort controls, language settings and all other buttons). This will be the bar that will provide the parameters for each SERP result.
  • Panel - the popup revealed after clicking the SEOquake button in your browser's toolbar. This will display the information relative to the page you are currently viewing.
  • Parameter - the metrics provided by SEOquake. Each parameter is a possible metric SEOquake is able to provide you with data for.

SEOquake reports overview

Page info

  • Title - the Title displayed for the queried page
  • Meta Keywords - the tags specified within the HTML coding of the queried page to tell search engines what the page is about.
  • Meta Description - the description specified within the HTML coding of the queried page to tell search engines what the page is about.
  • Internal Links - the amount of internal links found on the queried page
  • External Links - the amount of external links pointing to other websites on the queried page
  • Server - the server hosting the queried domain

Page SEO audit

This report performs page audit against several groups of rules.

Page Analysis

  • Headings - the HTML headings implemented in the queried page
  • Images - if any images do not have any alt tags
  • Text/HTML Ratio - the ratio of text on the page compared to the amount of HTML text on the page
  • Frames - if any Frames exist on the queried page.
  • Flash - if any Flash is present on the queried page

Mobile compliance

  • AMP - checks page for AMP version availability
  • Meta viewport - checks if page has viewport configuration

Site Compliance

  • Robots.txt - if a robots.txt exists for the queried domain
  • XML Sitemaps - if an XML sitemap exists for the queried domain
  • Language - if the language of the website has been specified within the HTML coding of the website
  • Doctype - if the DOCTYPE has been specified within the HTML coding of the website
  • Encoding - if a character/language encoding is declared for the queried website
  • Google Analytics - if Google Analytics is being used to monitor the queried domain
  • Micro formats - if Microformat markups are present on the queried webpage
  • Favicon - if a favicon image exists for the website. This is usually the icon displayed for the domain within the address bar.